Something for everyone

Coach T Show

Free to join until end of 2023! Join the Exclusive Coach T Show and interact with Coach during Discord Livestreams. Interactive Pro Player form reviews, Live Q&A, take a peak at your own form, spend time with the Slingshot community.

1 on 1 Lesson

1 Hour private lesson with Coach T. Evaluate your current form and get constructive feedback to help point you in the right direction on your form journey. Spots are limited each week, so don’t wait!

Training Program

It’s time to grind!!! Coach T spent 3 years creating the Step by Step Slingshot Program. 80 drills; 30 videos; 2 hours of content; This is physical! This is not easy! But it is worth it!

Learning plans

Form Livestream

Weekly Livestreams where you get to interact with Coach in a group setting. Review your form and drill progressions and get ideas for what to work on next.

Slingshot Training Program

The Ultimate take home coaching program. 135 Minutes, 83 Drills & Progressions, and training schedules. This program is designed to be worked on at your own pace and new content will be added often.

Have Questions? Get in touch!

Group Coaching



Weekly Livestreams

Discord Community

Group Form Review

Monthly Access

Drills & Progressions

Training Program



Drills & Progressions

Discord Community

Step By Step Video Guides

Form Review


1 on 1 Meeting



Personalized Feedback

30-60 Minutes

Individual Form Review

Step By Step Video Guides


Form Review plans

Form Review

Looking to take your disc golf game to the next level? Our form review service can help. With our personalized video feedback, you’ll receive detailed analysis of your form and tips to help you improve your technique and achieve better results on the course. Includes the Training Program!

One on One Coaching Session

Are you looking for personalized feedback and advice on how to improve your form? Our one-on-one coaching session provides you with a unique opportunity to speak directly with Coach T. Through this personalized conversation, you’ll gain valuable insights and actionable steps to take your form to the next level.

Have Questions? Get in touch!

Get The
Slingshot Program

Ready to start throwing like the pros? Ready to start using your body to sling the disc instead of powering with your arm? Sign up!